Your ultimate holiday cleaning checklist


We are now approaching holiday season hurrah I here you say but do you have in the back of your mind a feeling of stress and anxiety about the things that need doing before you go away and the things you need to buy and prepare before you go away?

There is nothing nicer than coming home from a wonderful holiday to a clean home but knowing where to start and putting together a checklist too can be difficult so that is why we have put together a pre-holiday cleaning checklist. You don’t have to do it all yourself but with the help of your family you can experience the joy of coming home to a fabulous clean home.

I truly believe that a clean home for me means a clear head I like to have a tidy home and garden and would much prefer to do the work before we go on holiday to make sure I have a nice home to come back to.

To make my life easier I created a pre-holiday cleaning checklist and seeing as I had done it, I thought I would share it with you too.

I split the chores into rooms and then general and each person is responsible for their own room. So they have to ensure that all their dirty clothes are in the laundry basket (including changing their beds) and that their bins are emptied.


let’s start with what I think is one of the most challenging things. Laundry – I mean how often have you seen the bottom of the laundry pile?

  • Start with changing the beds a couple of days before you travel so you can come home to clean bed linen.
  • Make sure all towels are clean (nothing worse than leaving damp towels and coming home to that smell).
  • Clothes – I insist that my family put their dirty clothes into the laundry
  • I like to make sure that I leave the washing machine clean and open whilst I am away to air.
  • I make sure that I have enough laundry products to do all the washing when we get home.
  • If I have time I will wash and dry the door mats, it is great to have a nice welcome when you come in that front door.


  • I have talked about changing the bedding some you come home to a nice clean bed. If you don’t have time, then turn down the bedding so it can air when you are away.
  • Generally, tidy the room and make sure all the clothes are away and the bin is empty.
  • Vacuum
  • Unplug electrical devices.


The bathrooms do take a little more work, but I do really appreciate coming home to sweet-smelling rooms and ones that do have limescale, water spots (or spiders in the bath)!

  • Start by cleaning the toilet and popping in your cleaning products and putting the seat down.  
  • Then wipe down the bath and sink making sure the taps are not dripping and pop the plugs in and that any soaps are not sitting in water.
  • Empty the bin and vacuum or sweep the room.
  • If you have a shower curtain then open it out to air.


The kitchen might seem like a long list, but you can do it over a few days.

  • Wipe down kitchen countertops.
  • Remove any perishable items from the refrigerator and give them to a friend and clean the fridge whilst it has less in it or transfer them to the freezer if they are freezable.
  • Make sure the dishwasher is empty and you don’t have any dirty dishes and clean (I run a cleaning cycle as there is nothing worse than a smelly dishwasher) and leave the door ajar to air.
  • Unplug kitchen appliances. I also switch off the oven at the electric point.
  • Empty the bin.
  • sweep and mop the floor.
  • Clean and dry sink and pop some green beach down the drain.
  • Empty the bin.

General Living Areas

We spend a lot of time in our living room and dining area so if we try and put away things as and when we have used them it means that this should be the easiest area to clean and need the least work.

  • General tidy. I just go around the rooms in a clockwise motion.
  • Wipe the dining table and coffee table.
  • Vacuum the rugs and carpet and sweep the floor.
  • Mop floors.
  • Fluff pillows and tidy the blankets.
  • Unplug electric appliances.

Final Sweep

  • Water all plants.
  • close and lock windows and internal doors.

Now the fun can begin! Enjoying your much needed time away! Happy Holidays!


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